Saturday, November 24, 2012

Of Ideas, Characters, and California

I'm pretty sure that I'm not the only one who has had more ideas for a story than they are able to write down, let alone publish. There are even times when you're stuck with two earth-shattering ideas that you believe are so amazing that it's like choosing between the Ark of the Covenant or the Holy Grail. While there is no real way to say what is and is not a good idea because some people have tastes for such things (yes, even the stupidest ideas will gain popularity among the stupidest of people, and sadly... such types are anything but in short supply), it comes down to wondering what should stay and what should go.

Most experienced authors will have a few answers that are probably similar to the one that I would personally suggest. When in doubt and looking for where to go as you go from point B to point E (or more accurately, Point B(eginning) and Point E(nd), pardon the lame pun), stop and take a look at your characters, particularly your major characters and protagonists, though major antagonists should also get a say in the matter. Get to really know them, and get to really know what they will and won't do under the circumstances that you have placed them in.

A lot of people will say never to treat your characters like real people or like friends. That's only true when you write for them. Most people wouldn't want their friends to get hurt or have to suffer through trials and tribulations. But... the connection ends there. you want your characters to seem real enough that you can at least give them real personalities. that way, it makes their behavior seem more realistic, and easier to relate to by the readers.

Often times, the best stories are written by the characters themselves. Notably in my own works, was Koara Ayumi Jenyx and California Sunanda Zendega, both of whom debut in The Crusade of Zulera. Originally, Koara was set to be the main character, because she had had a developed history and personality, and her origins date way back to around 2002 or 2003, making her one of my first characters that I have refined time and time again. I had expected Koara to remain the main character for the course of the book, and into the first couple of chapters, she played it well.

Then came little California.

Somehow, through actions that I don't even fully understand myself, she stepped up to the plate, pushing Koara aside and taking center stage right under the spotlight. She was a character created in late 2011, and thus was much newer and a cleaner slate. after hijacking the position of main protagonist from Koara, she proceeded to shape her fresh personality, tapping into some rather dark things in life, and exposing a bit of what war and pressure can do to the innocence of a child. Whatever the case, I knew that it was an example of a character guiding the story instead of me. that one change alone took the story in a completely different direction from my original ideas that I had had in January of 2012 when I had started writing The Crusade of Zulera. 

With that all in mind, don't be afraid if your characters start digressing from your original plans. chances are they have better ideas as to what they want to do, and so when they want to do something, it's best to go with their wishes if you want your characters to remain believable and prevent your plot from feeling forced. Just go with it. You never know where it will take you, but usually it's a better place than you expected.

Monday, October 29, 2012

The Premise of the "Zabutur" Series

Any novelist, from aspiring amateur to prominent professional, is familiar with the age-old question people will always inevitably ask when they learn you are writing (or have written) a novel or two.

"What's it about?"

There are so many ways to answer this question that I personally dislike it. There is usually far too much to explain in one simple sentence. Of course there is a story, and even with 10 volumes of my series outlined, I am aware of each story, and can put each one into one sentence. However, the series as a whole is a bit harder to explain. After all, how can you simplify a story that speaks of the dangers and differences of order and chaos, the bounds between good and evil, the illusion of right and wrong, and the concepts of eternity and spirituality, among so many other things?
Rewinding a little, I am currently working on a volume called "The Crusade of Zulera". To explain it in 3 sentences or less, it's a story about a young girl who suddenly becomes the poster child for a massive world war. She proceeds to seek ways to clear her name and ideally stop the war, although that is obviously much easier said than done. This is a tale that tells of the heroic accomplishments of a young California Sunanda Zendenga, and pits her against warriors and politicans in a struggle to see if she can overcome the schemes the world continues to throw at her.

I am not sure how many people can, will, or do say the same, but I write to tell a story first and foremost. anything else, including anything that could be considered "preachy", is all a distant second. While there are references to Mormonism, as well as the Book of Mormon, this is certainly not a series that tries to preach for or against any religion. The characters in the series have their own religion and politics, and so I am sure that if we ever made contact with such a world like Mencu, they would be utterly disinterested in our politics, religions, and the likes, simply because they have their own.

However, the Zabutur series is not a religious tract, nor does it preach politics. most dominantly, it is a story of love and war. If I had to use three words or less to describe what me series is about, the phrase of choice would be "Love and War". More than the story itself, it is about the characters of the world, how they grow and change, how they handle their conflicts, and how they handle each other. I am in the adamant belief that if you can write good, believable characters, it won't matter how you write plots, because the characters will come to life and make that for you.

Either way, I'll end here, since I could go on forever about explaining the Zabutur series and what it's about. Hopefully this will answer a few questions, perhaps inspire a few people, or some other happy whatnot.